CI Cricket League return offers added variety for club sides

CI Cricket League return offers added variety for club sides
Four Jersey sides are among those to compete in the 2023 competition - photo credit Mark Tribe

The post-pandemic return of the CI Cricket League for the 2023 season has been warmly welcomed by clubs and cricket officials in both Jersey and Guernsey.

Whilst cricket in the Channel Islands was one of the first sports to get itself back on the field when Covid-19 struck, understandably the complexities and requirements of social distancing and travel at that time meant a break for inter-insular club cricket.

Fast-forward three years, and the combined league is back, and with a new title sponsor on board in Belasko, which has signed a two-year deal.

Sarah Gomersall, Jersey Cricket CEO, said: “The Belasko Channel Island Cricket League will add more variety and healthy competition to our club cricket calendar. Securing the return of inter-island club cricket has been a top priority for us. We are delighted to have secured Belasko as the title sponsor for the next two years and thank them for their assistance.”

ATF St Ouen Springfield are the reigning champions from 2019, and will be joined in the revived competition by fellow Jersey outfits RGA Walkovers, Rathbones OV's and Farmers Caesareans. Guernsey trio Canaccord Genuity Griffins, 2mi Wanderers Irregulars and Norman Piette Cobo make up the list of entrants.

Guernsey Cricket CEO, Mark Latter, said, “It has been great to work with Lee Meloy and Sarah Gomersall in Jersey to bring the return of the Belasko Channel Island Cricket League. There is excited anticipation at the renewing of rivalries at inter-insular club level. To be able to attract a title sponsor of the profile of Belasko speaks volumes for the interest such cross water fixtures can create.” 

Matches are scheduled to start on 27 May and will run through various weekends in June, July and August. The final is set for 26 August at Grainville in Jersey.